Mahleb (Dust)

Powder mahleb is a type of spice obtained from the seeds of the Prunus mahaleb plant. Mahleb tree is a tree that generally grows in the Mediterranean region and produces cherry-like fruits. The seeds of these fruits are ground into powder and used as spices.
Powdered mahleb is an intense spice that gives a sweet and spicy aroma. It is associated with flavors such as almond, cherry and vanilla. Therefore, it is especially used in pastries and dessert recipes. Mahleb is an ingredient frequently found in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. It is a spice widely used in Turkish cuisine and is especially used to add taste and aroma to buns, cookies, halva and pastries.
Mahleb can also provide benefits to the digestive system, as well as giving a pleasant smell and taste to foods. Some research suggests that mahaleb extract may support digestive health and regulate bowel movements. However, it is always recommended to consult your doctor if you have any health conditions or before using spices.